I have a new interest in hifi and it is in active speakers. It all started with the Hypex AS2.100 modules. These weren't perfect, but still impressed me with their tight, dynamic and clear sound.
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
If computer audio was something that audiophiles could once ignore, it's certainly getting much harder to do so these days. Despite reviewing a couple of new CD players this year, they look to me to ...
The Trasparent Cables are well known to the audiophile community for their strange appearance: almost every cable by this Company is equipped with a mysterious black box, called the Transparent ...
I have recently had the fortune that my Flat was re-wired to high standards (without cost to me) and that indeed made an impact on overall sound Quality. It resulted in me applying some more attention ...
The phrase There are more ways than one to skin a cat could have been invented to describe the art of getting music from the tiny grooves of an LP record. You don't need me to list the huge variation ...
Some time ago a friend brought a pair of speakers for repair to me. They are old two way speakers from Epicure, US made. The surround of the woofers had rotten away, but my friend insisted on having ...
Many years ago, in the dim past, during the time of "flat earth", there came a new champion. Where others feared to tread, Xerxes strode out to do battle with the feared Linn - lord of all he surveyed ...
Above is the basic application diagram of the TL431, including bypass capacitor C2 which reduces gain and noise at above DC. The input dropper resistor is replaced with a fixed current source of 30mA, ...
Approx. price: Sword 3m pair: $795 - Rondo 4x2.5= $2.60 / foot - Fork XL Spades= $20.00 / pack I admit to having a long-standing curiosity about the Swedish Supra line of cables. First of all, they're ...
If there is one name in Hi-Fi which is synonomous with excellent sound, and at the same time with excellent price, that name is Dynaco. Of all the audio manufacturers, both past and present, Dynaco is ...
Amplifiers are a good second hand buy. The only moving parts are the switches and potentiometer so wear in this area should be very easy to spot. Just switch the amp on and with nothing playing but ...