Indira Gandhi convened the NAM summit in New Delhi in 1983 where along with the Cuban President Fidel Castro, she articulated another important objective of the movement, that of establishing a New ...
Decision-making in International Relations is a critical concept studied by scholars across various disciplines. Decision-making in international relations plays a crucial role in shaping the world we ...
For centuries, diplomacy has often operated in a space where truth is moulded, concealed, or reshaped to suit the interests of nations. Sir Henry Wooten’s famous aphorism, “An ambassador is a ...
The Governor seeking this additional information follows his decision of August 16 to allow Siddaramaiah to be prosecuted which was challenged by C M in the High Court. The arguments in the case were ...
For instance, the character of Eklavya from the Mahabharata was portrayed as a Dalit who subscribed to the principles of Righteousness (Dharma) and sacrificed his thumb in reverence to his guru ...
The junior doctors’ movement in West Bengal testifies that the concept of ‘fraternity’ has got a new ethical meaning in the perspective of their demand for ‘justice’, raised in the context of the ...
I am writing this letter as a grieving mother who has lost her precious child, Anna Sebastian Perayil. My heart is heavy, and my soul is shattered as I pen these words, but I believe it is necessary ...