In Part 1, I explained my hopes that classical statistical mechanics reduces to thermodynamics in the limit where Boltzmann’s constant k k approaches zero. In Part 2, I explained exactly what I mean ...
I’m trying to work out how classical statistical mechanics can reduce to thermodynamics in a certain limit. I sketched out the game plan in Part 1 but there are a lot of details to hammer out. While I ...
Why do I care? As we’ll see later, classical statistical mechanics features a crucial formula that involves a Laplace transform. So it would be great if we could find some parameter β \beta in that ...
Sep 9, 2024 To see classical thermodynamics as a limit of classical statistical mechanics, we want to see the Legendre transform as the limit of some quantity related to a Laplace transform. Here’s a ...
Earlier this month the Mathematics Institute at Uppsala University hosted a conference called Categorification in Algebra and Topology, clearly a theme close to our collective heart. As yet there are ...
May 22, 2009 Charles Wells has a new blog. I especially like the entries on ‘sketches’ and on ‘how “math is logic” ruined mathematics for a generation’. Cobordism and Topological Field Theories Week 5 ...
Jan 26, 2009 A new paper shows how to build the string Lie 2-algebra by taking a compact Lie group with its canonical closed 3-form and then using ideas from multisymplectic geometry.
May 16, 2019 A summary of some ideas from the paper “Monads, partial evaluations and rewriting” by Tobias Fritz and Paolo Perrone. An Operational Semantics of Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus With String ...
Sep 10, 2024 15:21 By the way, I always thought of the “I summed the series” anecdote (about the total distance flown by a ...
organized by Zoran Škoda and Igor Baković.
Physicists like to study all sorts of simplified situations, but here’s one I haven’t seen them discuss. I call it an ‘energy particle’. It’s an imaginary thing with no qualities except energy, which ...