A panel of optometrists compare what they imagined locum life to be with their daily reality now they are working as locums ...
UK lecturers have described their use of a model eye as an instructional tool for optometry students honing their tonometry skills ...
Universities have welcomed students onto newly-developed Master’s of optometry programmes, updated to meet the GOC’s new ...
Building on an existing partnership, the two companies have formed a long-term agreement to collaborate on smart eyewear ...
BMJ researchers have examined whether regular laughter exercise sessions could help to ease the symptoms of dry eye disease ...
The continuing professional development event gathered local optical professionals and industry partners at the University of ...
UK research has uncovered “striking” inequalities in General Ophthalmic Service (GOS) sight test activity in deprived areas ...
More than 80% of keystrokes by study participants wearing Apple Vision Pro headsets were guessed by researchers ...
OT spoke to Charlotte Scriven, one of a tiny number of hospital eye service dispensing opticians working in the UK, about her ...
Camilla Anderson, brand and contact lens manager at Park Vision Opticians, Nottingham, on how her practice keeps contact lens ...
In a series on breaking bad news, optometrists from across the profession recall their experiences and share advice for newly-qualified practitioners. Here, locum optometrist, Shamina Asif, reflects o ...
More than half of respondents to an annual GOC survey reported feeling unable to cope with their workload over the past year ...